Constitution & Bylaws
ARTICLE I Adoption of Bylaws
SECTION I The Medford Basketball Booster Club (hereafter referred to MBBC) adopts the following bylaws as its own. It is further understood that the MBBC may implement its own policies and procedures to ensure efficient operation of its programs. However, policies and procedures will not contradict or take precedence over the Bylaws.
ARTICLE II Purposes and Objectives
SECTION I The purpose of the Medford Basketball Booster Club, Inc. is to:
· Implant firmly in the children of the Medford School District the spirit of competition and the ideas of good sportsmanship, discipline, teamwork, honesty, loyalty, courage and respect. The only attitude we endorse is a positive one – from all participants, including players, coaches, parents and spectators.
· To organize and maintain an integrated program of basketball activities available to all boys and girls in grades first through eight in the Medford School District and provide competent supervision for each program.
· Support the Medford High School boys and girls basketball programs.
· Promote excellence in basketball by developing a coordinated effort among the various programs.
· Develop enthusiastic support among students, parents, players, participants and the community of the Medford School District.
· Teach the fundamentals of basketball to the Medford Area youth.
· MBBC is organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes
SECTION I All interested parents (Grades 1 through 12) that have a child enrolled in the youth basketball program will be allowed to participate in this organization. Each member is eligible to vote at the Club’s meeting.
SECTION II A member meeting may be called by the president. Any such meeting shall be held on a date and at a location to be selected by the Board of Directors. Notice shall be given to all members. A meeting agenda shall be prepared by the president and approved by the Board of Directors. The agenda shall include an item entitled “Open Forum” to provide members an opportunity to express viewpoints. The president shall open and close all meetings and shall preside over them as he/she deems reasonable and appropriate.
SECTION III The members shall have the following powers:
a) To attend members meetings as may be called by the president;
b) To be informed of MBBC policies as determined by the Board of Directors;
c) To offer ideas for policies, bylaw changes, rules and/or programs of MBBC for the Board of Directors to consider;
d) To vote to alter or amend these Bylaws as provided below;
e) To nominate members for open board positions;
f) To vote on election of open board positions.
SECTION IV Members will provide suggestions in writing for bylaw changes. Board members will review and vote to determine which bylaw changes will be presented at the end of season general meeting. These potential bylaw changes will be included in the general meeting notice, so members have a chance to review. Members will vote on these changes and the majority of present members vote will determine if the bylaw will be changed.
ARTICLE IV Directors and Officers
SECTION I MBBC shall be controlled and operated by a Board of Directors that shall be comprised of five officers and at-large members. At-large members shall serve solely at the discretion of MBBC’s president. Each officer shall have one vote on all MBBC matters presented at any Board meeting. In the event of a tie vote on any MBBC matter, the vote of President shall determine the question. At-large members may attend all meetings and participate in all debates but shall not be permitted to vote on any MBBC matter. This Board of Directors shall be elected at the annual membership meeting by a majority vote each year.
SECTION II The elected officers of the MBBC will be the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Concessions Director. The elected officers will serve two-year terms with the goal of having half of the officers’ term in one year and the other half terming in the alternative year. One year the President and Concessions Director will term and the second year the Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer will term. Candidates for all offices shall be eligible for election upon nomination. Nominations receiving the majority of the votes will be elected. New board members will take over June 1st of each year. Officers may be removed by a majority vote of the Board. Any vacancies will be appointed by the President to fill
SECTION III The duties of the MBBC Officers shall be to:
a) Manage all youth basketball operations, including special events or programs authorized by the Board;
b) Transact necessary business in the intervals between meetings and during off season periods;
c) Approve and pay bills, prepare and file tax returns, make financial decisions, set player participation fees, and conduct any financial operations necessary to conduct MBBC business;
d) Consider and determine the handling of any issues that may arise in the course of MBBC operations;
e) Carry out the objectives of the MBBC.
ARTICLE V Duties of Officers:
SECTION I The President will perform the following duties:
· Preside at all Board and other meetings that involve MBBC issues of any sort.
· Enforce the MBBC Bylaws and its policies and procedures.
· Communicate with the membership and manage the day-to-day operations of all MBBC programs.
· Coordinate practice and tournament schedules.
· Coordinate enrollment process;
· Submit a team roster to the GNBL (see GNBL website and/or rules) prior to the first tournament;
The President may engage such assistances for the performance of his/her duties as he/she deems appropriate or necessary. He/she shall be empowered to make all MBBC decisions as reasonably necessary, subject to the oversight of the Board, and to call meetings of the Board for any purpose and at any time may be deemed reasonable and appropriate by him/her.
SECTION II The Vice President will perform the following duties:
· MBBC Fundraising Coordinator;
· Attend all MBBC Board and other meetings;
· Assist the President in the performance of his/her duties as may be requested from time to time;
· 3v3 league coordinator;
· Booster club recognition coordinator.
SECTION III The Secretary will perform the following duties:
· Record votes and minutes of proceedings;
· Attend all MBBC Board and other meetings;
· Assist the President in the performance of his/her duties as may be requested from time to time;
· Coordinate uniform orders;
· Keep social media updated;
· Coordinate raffle tickets.
SECTION IV The Treasurer will perform the following duties:
· Assist the registration/payment process for MBBC operations;
· Ensure proper insurance is maintained;
· Receive all money and manage the financial accounts of MBBC;
· Keep accurate records of all receipts and disbursements and make disbursements as directed by the president and permitted by these Bylaws;
· Ensure proper regularly filings are made and maintain 501-C3 tax status;
· Attend all MBBC Board and other meetings.
SECTION V The Concessions Director will perform the following duties:
· Coordinate all concessions activity for MBBC events;
· Attend all MBBC Board and other meetings.
SECTION VI At-Large Members currently include: Referee Coordinator and Whiz Kids Coordinator. At Large members of the board will perform the following duties:
· Attend all MBBC Board and other meetings as deemed appropriate by the board;
· Assist the president in the performance of his/her duties as may be requested from time to time.
ARTICLE VI Financials
SECTION I All funds collected on behalf of or in the name of MBBC will be handled, maintained and accounted for through the MBBC account at a financial institution designated by the Board. Records of all funds received and expended shall be retained as the books and records of MBBC and shall be available for inspection by any member upon written request to the Treasurer.
SECTION II No part of the funds of MBBC shall be distributed to its members, trustees, or officers, who shall serve MBBC as volunteers only. The organization may pay reasonable compensation for such outside services rendered to MBBC as the Board deems necessary and appropriate and make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth hereof. A schedule listing all MBBC bank accounts and any other assets of MBBC shall be prepared by the Treasurer as of the end of April each year along with a statement of changes in net funds. The schedule of bank accounts and other assets and the statement of changes in net funds shall be provided by the treasurer to all officers as soon as available and at the latest within two months from the end of April each year. The President may request a status of funds available from the Treasurer at any time. The Treasurer shall provide the President with a summary of available funds, upon request of the President, as soon as practical. The Board may, in its sole discretion, make such disbursements from the net funds of MBBC as will benefit or promote the youth basketball program.
SECTION III The Board of Directors will create and will present a financial report to the membership at the annual meeting. As part of the annual financial review, the boys/girls high school basketball programs will submit requests for appropriate funding that will be approved and allocated in accordance with our mission statement. The high school coaches will provide an accounting/reconciliation of spending of these funds by the end of the club’s fiscal year – by the April meeting.
SECTION IV The President may approve all expenses less than $500.00. All other expenses, not budgeted over $500, must be approved by a quorum of the Board of Directors.
SECTION V An annual fee will be required from each player in Grades 3-8. These fees will be paid at registration. One Coach and one Assistant Coach per team and Board Members shall be exempt from the annual fee as a token of appreciation for time spent working with the club and players.
SECTION VI Uniforms will be provided for all 3-8th grade players. New uniforms will be provided in 3rd, 5th, and 7th grade unless determined otherwise by the board. Exceptions will be made at the discretion of the Board.
ARTICLE VII Parent Responsibilities
SECTION I Parents of children who participate in MBBC programs shall maintain behavior that reflects positively on MBBC and promotes good sportsmanship.
SECTION II Parents of children who participate in MBBC programs have the following responsibilities:
· Abide by the rules established by MBBC, including zero tolerance of inappropriate behavior toward players, coaches, and referees.
· Have child(ren) at scheduled practices by the designated times.
· Respect all decisions of team coaches and work constructively with them to promote team unity and harmony.
ARTICLE VIII Coaching Responsibilities
SECTION I Coaches are expected to create an environment at practices and games that promote MBBC’s goals of good sportsmanship, development of basketball fundaments, and teamwork. Coaches shall communicate MBBC’s goals and its policies to players and their parents. Coaches shall communicate directly with parents and provides game and practice schedules on a timely basis.
SECTION II Coaches are responsible for ensuring that all players on their team and their fans practice good sportsmanship before, during and after each game. Coaches are responsible to:
· Support the referees and refrain from arguing with or making derogatory comments toward them.
· Refrain from actions or words that undercut the self-esteem of players from their own or opposing teams.
· Not allow any player to make derogatory comments or show disrespect to an opposing team’s players, parents, or referees.
· Support post-game exchanges of good sportsmanship between players and coaches.
The Board shall be free to accept or reject individual coaches and assistant coaches based on its assessment of a volunteer’s ability or willingness to comply with these policies. Failure of any coach to comply with these policies may result in his/her removal from coaching in MBBC programs by the Board of Directors, which may take such action in its sole discretion.
ARTICLE IX Dissolution
SECTION I Upon the dissolution of the organization, the Board of Directors shall, after paying or making provisions for the payment of all liabilities of the organization, dispose of all of the assets of the organization exclusively for the purposes of the organization in such manner, or to such organization or organizations organized and operated exclusively for charitable or educational purposes as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization or organizations under section 501©(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as the Board of Officers shall determine.
Coaching Guidelines
Booster Club Coaches will be selected by the Booster Club officers with input from the parents of the affected players, high school coaches or anyone else that the officers deem appropriate to determine the best candidate. Coaches may be removed only by the officers on a majority vote. Coaches will be appointed each year. Officers of the team must not be a part of any vote that involves their child’s team. Qualifications to be considered include:
· Relevant basketball experience
· Communication, organization and motivational skills
· Ability to demonstrate/promote sportsmanship and teamwork
· Commitment
The coach’s key responsibility is to organize, motivate, teach and constructively criticize player performance – in a POSITIVE manner.
Booster Club coaches will not be paid. Coaches are required to attend meetings. If a conflict should arise, they must delegate attendance to an assistant coach. If they are unavailable, a team parent must attend (Board Officers will not act as team representatives because of conflict of interest).
Coaches are required to attend a coaches’ clinic at the beginning of each season, if there is a clinic planned by the MBBC or high school coaches. This clinic will include what is expected of them and will also include help and advice on proper teaching of basketball skills.
Coaches are responsible for all team communications. Coaches are encouraged to have a meeting of the parents before the first practice to discuss team rules, practice times and games schedules.
Coaches must submit a team roster to the GNBL (see GNBL website and/or rules) prior to the first tournament. Failure to do so can result in fines imposed on the club!
The coach has authority to restrict players playing time or suspend a player for a violation of team or Booster Club rules.
Coaches should work with the President to schedule games and tournaments. Coaches may schedule their own games after consultation and approval by the President if they fall within the club rules and budget. Grades 3rd – 6th shall have no more than three (3) practices per week prior to their first tournament of the season and no more than two (2) practices per week thereafter. Grades 7th – 8th teams shall have no more than three (3) practices per week prior to their first tournament of the season and up to three (3) practices per week thereafter if facilities allow.
Any practices that are to be scheduled in facilities outside of the school system, including Holy Rosary, must first be approved by the Board of Directors if a fee is going to be charged in efforts to minimize cost and equalize team practice.
All coaches are encouraged to contact the Varsity coaches with any basketball-related questions and are expected to follow the philosophy and guidelines as defined by the high school program.
Coaches should review the Great Northwest basketball rules at the start of every season, so rules are understood and followed.
Any disputes between coaches and parents should be discussed with the coach and parents. The Club’s officers have the ultimate responsibility to settle disputes.
Coaches will host a tournament every year (refer to APPENDIX E).
Medford Basketball Booster Club, Inc.
Player/Team Rules
All medical release, liability waiver, and concussion forms must be signed at the time of registration.
All players must attend practices or notify their coach before practice that they will be absent. Failure to attend practice or notify the coach may result in reduced playing time in the next game/tournament. Players are expected to be at all practices/games. Be on time to practice and games. Your practice begins the minute you step on the court. Practices will be more difficult than games; be ready to work hard.
If a player misses a game or tournament, it is the player’s responsibility to notify the Coach in advance of the game and/or tournament.
Parents are responsible for transportation for their sons/daughters to and from games. The coach is not responsible to provide or arrange transportation.
Good sportsmanship is always required. Swearing, arguing with the coach, players, parents and/or referees will not be allowed. Name calling, taunting or uncomplimentary remarks directed at a teammate or opponent will not be allowed. Repeated displays of disrespect will result in reduced playing time or suspension from the team and expulsion from the Booster Club.
All players are required to take proper care of the Booster Club equipment.
While the Booster Club realizes players are involved in other activities, players should not expect the coach to make special accommodations for players that miss practices and or games due to involvement in other sports. If a player has activities occurring in two sports on the same date, the player should pick one or the other for that day.
Players should be encouraged to be goods students in school. Players should be reminded that the student comes first in student/athlete.
Playing Time
Playing Time: The following rules are provided to give the players and parents an understanding as to how playing time will be handled with Booster Club teams. All playing time rules assume the player is not sitting out due to any team rule violations.
NOTE: Details on dividing teams due to large number of players follows below.
3rd/4th/5th Grade: All players should play for an equal amount of time as possible in all of the games. The 3rd/4th/5th grade teams are intended to introduce players to competitive basketball. A player will not learn how to play the game if they do not have a chance to play in a game.
6th Grade: All players should play in every game. The 6th grade teams are intended to continue to introduce all the players to competitive basketball. But the players also need to learn that the better players will start to play more minutes in certain games. Enough playing time should be provided to allow each player a chance to work on their skills during game situations.
7th Grade: Playing time at this level will be determined by skill and player effort. Players that are working to improve skills will be rewarded with additional playing time. The 7th and 8th grade teams are intended to more competitive in nature. Coaches are still encouraged to play as many players as possible.
8th Grade: Playing time at this level will be based upon player effort, skill and results. If possible, the coach should continue to provide playing time to as many players as possible. While being competitive the coach should be encouraging all players to work on improving their skills.
Large teams:
Teams of 12 – 15 players:
To avoid difficulties with effectively rotating players into games to support the club’s playing time philosophy, the coaches and parents will have the option of splitting teams when between 12 – 15 players on the team. The Northwest League rules allow players to participate on both teams, if necessary, if they are from the same school district. This allows a team of six or seven players to bring additional players from the other team. Again, this format/option will be left up to the coaches and parents of the affected team.
Teams of 16+ players:
Teams will be split into two teams. Each team must consist of a minimum of eight players. Teams will be designated as “MEDFORD RED, MEDFORD WHITE and if needed MEDFORD BLACK”.
· In 3rd/4th/5th grade, teams will be evenly divided based on talent.
· At the 6th, 7th & 8th grade level, teams will be divided based on acquired skill and ability to continue to improve at an appropriate competitive level. Players with more advanced skills will be placed on one team. Those whose skills require more refinement will be assigned to a second team.
· Because a player’s skill level can vary from year to year, the assigning of rosters will take place each year before the first tournament. A tryout camp is an acceptable means to determine player skill level. The varsity coaches and other team coaches should be included in determining the player skill level.
· Any disagreement as to the assigning of players shall first be addressed by the appropriate coach or coaches. If an agreement cannot be reached, the Board of Directors will make a final decision with all parties abiding by that decision.
· Each team will be allowed to compete in the same number of tournaments as described in the Medford Booster Club By-Laws - APPENDIX D. To provide a good experience for the players, “A” teams should be scheduled in corresponding A-B level tournaments and “B” teams should be scheduled in corresponding B-C level tournaments.
· In the event a coach does not volunteer to coach the second team, the Board of Directors will assign a coach.
The club will sponsor the following maximum number of tournaments each season (August through May):
· Six (6) team tournaments each for boys and girls.
It is the club's intention to fund six tournaments for each team, however, the actual number of paid tournaments will depend on the financial condition of the club and will be approved by the Board of Directors.
All additional tournaments must be paid for by the parents of the players, except for the GNBL LCT and/or state tournament in which a team is invited.
Hosted Tournaments: All teams 5th – 8th grade will be required to host at least one home tournament during their respective season. Guidelines are available from the club to assist in preparation and coordination, including concessions, referees, facilities, etc.
All home tournaments will be scheduled through the Great Northwest Basketball League to aid in recruitment of teams and avoid issues from cancellations, etc.